梵蒂冈博物馆位于罗马市中心的天主教国家梵蒂冈,是世界上最小的国家,而这个最小的国家,也有自己最大的博物馆—梵蒂冈博物馆,所收集的稀世文物和艺术珍品,堪与伦敦大英博物馆和巴黎卢浮宫相媲美(中新社发 王保胜 摄) Vatican Museum is located in the catholic country Vatican in the center of Rome, which is the smallest country in the world. However, this smallest country has the largest museum of its own-- Vatican Museum. The rare cultural relics and art treasures collected here are comparable with those in the British Museum and Paris Louvre.
意大利文艺复兴时期的“三杰”之一米开朗基罗的著名雕塑《大卫》,雕像的勃勃雄姿成了当时佛罗伦萨市民心目中抵御外敌、保卫祖国的英雄形象的化身。它被西方美术史称为最值得夸耀的男性人体雕像之一(中新社发 王保胜 摄) Michelangelo is one of three major artistic masters during Renaissance in Italy. The majestic appearance of his famous statue David embodies a kind of hero who can defend against enemies and protect the nation in the mind of Florence citizens at that time. David has also been praised as one of the most representative male statues in Western art history.
(中新社发 王保胜 摄)
(中新社发 王保胜 摄)
梵蒂冈画廊主要收藏绘画作品,包括拉斐尔、达·芬奇和卡拉瓦乔等人的名作,每年吸引世界无数艺术家前来参观考察(中新社发 王保胜 摄)
The gallery of the Vatican mainly collects painting works, including the works of Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci and Caravaggio, attracting numerous artists for visiting and investigation here every year.